Herpes Groups on Meetup

Meet Alaskans with HSV2
AZ Heeps
Bay Area Friends (BAF)
San Diego H Friends
Socials All Over Southern CA
Happy Social and Vibrant Socials
South Florida Herpes (Closed)
CHicago Friends – “H” Social Group
Twin Cities H Social
Genital Herpes is Not My Identity
Herpes Dating New York City
Club 437737
Austin H Friends
Southern New Mexico and El Paso H Community (Closed)
Houston H Friends
Social Houston Heeps (SHH)
Clear Lake and Galveston County H Friends
Seattle H Scene
Vancouver H Friends
H Support and Social Group Ottawa
The Raleigh H Club
San Diegans with H
H Socials Southern CA
H2...0h! - Dorset Genital Herpes Meetup and support (Closed)
Singles herpes
Fresno H Friends
North Jersey Women's HPV Wellness Education
The Colorado H Meetup
Reptile Amphibian & Bug Club
So Cal Reptile Lovers
Defeat Mandatory Vaccination Bill SB277 (Closed)
Mineralize to Optimize Your Health
Happy Social and Vibrant Socials in SoCal
Flinthills HPV Support
Get Out (GO) Portland -Ogunquit (Closed)
Detroit Dancing In The Street
Seasons of Womenhood
HPV Awakening in South Florida
Check local support websites and Yahoo groups